Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Swim Meets

In years past swim meets have generally consisted of 
Tanner and I packing up and heading out, 
with drop by visits from Jason and the other kiddos. 
But this year with Andrew swimming more 
we tried to make them even more of a family affair.
 So we packed up the whole crew, cute baby boy included, 
and made the best of our time together.
 I loved rushing up to the fence 
and cheering on our swimmers. 
 We got to be up close for proud little moments, 
like when hard events were completed,  
when seconds were dropped,
or when relays did well.
(Andrew even came through and swam 
in a relay in place of a 13 year old 
who was a last minute scratch. It was so hard for him.
But he did it. I was so proud for him.)
 Margaret wasn't quite ready to 
swim on the team this season. She did however
love hanging out with these sweet girls.

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